Emergency standby generators play very crucial roles in that they provide backup power in moments of outages. They are however vulnerable to several misfortunes which ought to be responded to in a timely and appropriate manner in order for their reliability to be guaranteed in the long run.
In the discussions that follow, you will get to know of the potential problems that emergency standby generators may encounter and how to mitigate them.
The functioning and performance of generators may be affected by several factors that include the following:
Generator load evaluations should be carried out in the generator from time to time to identify and mitigate these problems. This may take various forms such as using of building load, monitoring the generator exercise regularly to ensure that it starts and runs as programmed, the use of a portable load bank.
Testing generators, just like every other piece of an electrical appliance is a very significant undertaking. The following are some of the main reasons why this is so:
Testing the generator under load ensures that it performs as designed and when it is needed most. Generator load tests allow for the verification of the generator system to ensure that it produces and maintains full load without either overheating or shutting down.
Through this test, it is possible to ascertain the various components of the generator system all worked interdependently as designed and intended to achieve a common goal. It also allows for the detection and identification of potential weaknesses in controlled conditions.
It allows for proactive maintenance i.e. helps in the identification of any potential weaknesses beforehand in controlled conditions, unlike in moments of utility outage when weaknesses may cause a complete failure of the system.
PS: As a general rule, it is recommended that all diesel engines be load-tested using a portable generator load bank for at least two hours annually. In case the engine has not been tested for at least a year, then longer tests may be needed. This annual test reduces the side effects of wet-stacking on a generator system.
To mitigate the afore-listed potential problems, provide the highest comfort levels possible, and to ensure that the system operates as desired, a well-planned maintenance program is the only way out. Such a program should ideally include regular load-tests. The tasks of designing and implementing a properly planned maintenance program for a standby generator system is best delegated to a qualified power company. We, the Fox Fab Generator Power Systems, can help in accomplishing the task effectively.
Our team of factory-trained technicians have the where withal to design and implement such a program. They will also ensure that the plan is carried out professionally and that any issue that may arise are brought to our attention timely to ensure that you are adequately prepared for any future interruptions in utility power supply.
The benefits are very clear for any generator installation and have been documented and researched for many years. These benefits can include:
· Backup validation without risking critical building loads
· Generator performing to engineered specifications
· Allows easy documentation of generator tests to monitor trends
· Allows for infrared tests to ensure sound installation throughout the facility
· Eliminates wet stacking and problems related to the generator
· Allows preventative maintenance program on all components
· Easy generator commissioning or adjustments
The list of benefits from generator load bank testing continues to grow as more research is performed.